MacDon Industries Ltd. is a family owned and Canadian based manufacturer of harvesting equipment specializing in the production of pull-type and self-propelled windrowers and specialty and pick-up headers for combines for world markets. Our disc, auger and draper products are commonly used to harvest a wide variety of cereal grains, oilseeds, grass seeds, rice, soybeans, hay, forage and specialty crops such as peas, lupins and lentils. MacDon Australia Pty. Ltd. is part of that family company.
As The Harvesting Specialists, MacDon has been building and perfecting harvesting machines for more than half a century, always with one single goal in mind – making harvesting easier and more productive for you. MacDon machines are designed and developed in direct consultation with producers and farming contractors. Before release of a new harvesting machine, MacDon thoroughly field test it, seeking out the most demanding field conditions possible. It is our way of ensuring that when you buy MacDon, you’re buying a product that fulfills its promise of exceptional productivity and worry-free performance – a machine you can depend on to get you through your toughest harvests.