Since 1948 the Norwood name has been synonymous with tractors and farm machinery in New Zealand where we supply more than one in every three tractors sold.

Now trading in Australia, we operate Norwood Farm Machinery Centres at Horsham, Swan Hill, Wodonga, Wagga Wagga and Lockhart representing New Holland and Flexi Coil together with a comprehensive range of supporting equipment lines.

The well known Godings dealerships are also a separate retail division of Norwood Agriculture and operate branches at Whittlesea, Rockbank and Mansfield servicing the Melbourne metropolitan and outer northern and western districts.

BYPY Transmissions is our specialist agricultural driveline business and is the Australian distributor for Bondioli and Pavesi PTO drivelines and gearboxes. Click here to visit the BYPY website

Norwood Agriculture is also the Australian distributor for Berthoud sprayers and Keenan mixer wagons and orbital spreaders.